
These scholarships are gift aid, which means you do not have to repay them or earn them by working.


  • 学业成绩突出
  • 个人成就
  • 财务需要
  • 领导能力
  • 社区参与
  • 研究项目和领域
  • 特定的人群

All students – whether they already receive financial aid or not – are eligible to apply for scholarships.

虽然许多奖学金要求学生填写FAFSA表格, t在这里 are some scholarships available for students who have not completed one.

You will be notified if you are receiving an award by July 1 in your student email account. 如果你去年申请了奖学金, 你必须重新申请, 每年所有的申请都会被批准,并于2月10日重新开始. 1.

你可以在一年中的任何时候申请奖学金. 然而, the greatest number of scholarships are available in the application period that runs from Feb. 5月1日至10日.


  • 为了填写奖学金申请表, you must have completed both a Moraine Valley admission application and have a student ID number.
  • It is to the student advantage to complete a Federal 应用程序 for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA (for more information on the FAFSA, 点击 在这里).
  • 点击 在这里 获取更多进入冰碛谷的信息.


  • 点击下面的申请冰碛谷奖学金按钮.
  • 点击右上角的蓝色登录按钮. Your student information will be filtered into your application once you sign-on.
  • Answer a few additional questions and the scholarship program will auto-match you to available scholarships.
  • 如果有额外的奖学金,你可能有资格申请, you will receive an email directing you back into the system to answer additional questions.

One of the most important aspects of the scholarship application is your essay. This 300-to-500-word essay gives you the opportunity to express how you would benefit from receiving a Foundation scholarship and why you think the selection committee should consider you.

学院的 口语和写作中心 可以帮助您处理应用程序的这个关键组件吗.

有关奖学金流程的问题,请联系 帕蒂Mehallick.


In addition to scholarships available from the 冰碛谷社区学院 Foundation, 有几项由教员资助的奖学金, 校园内的员工或部门.

These scholarships have a separate application process, outlined in each of the descriptions below. Tap or 点击 on the 额外的奖学金 box below to see all available opportunities.

让米. 格洛克勒纪念奖学金
由冰碛谷附属学院组织(M.V.A.F.O.), these scholarships provide money for education-related expenses at 冰碛谷社区学院.
数额: 最高500美元,取决于资金和合格的申请人
资格: Open to part-time students (less than 11 credit hours per semester) who have attended Moraine Valley for at least two semesters, 不包括暑期学校, and have accumulated six credit hours; 目前正在注册 at Moraine Valley and have maintained a minimum 3.0的绩点.
上升/下降位置: 在线申请
更多信息: 联络奖学金主席 理查德Niezgoda

为了纪念联合健康医院的前任院长而命名, 公共服务及护理, 这笔奖学金可以用来交学费, 费用, 书, 以及冰碛河谷的交通运输, 只要资金允许.
数额: $500
资格: 必须是地区居民,是美国人.S. 公民或永久居民, 目前正在参加联合健康或护理计划, have successfully completed 12 credit hours of the program with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
应用程序可用: 全年. 只有 这种形式 你会接受这个奖学金吗.
上升/下降位置: 经济资助办事处(S107)
更多信息: 联系财务援助办公室(708)974-5726

这个奖学金 is presented to district high school students who have demonstrated academic excellence. 它可以用于15个学时的区内学费.
数额: 相当于区内学费的金额.
资格: Must be a resident of the Moraine Valley district and graduate with a cumulative class rank in the top 10 percent of high school graduating class at the end of the seventh or eighth semester.
上升/下降位置: 高中辅导办公室
更多信息: 联系财务援助办公室(708)974-5726

These scholarships are funded by Moraine Valley’s Faculty Association and can be used for college expenses such as tuition, 在冰碛谷的书籍和费用. 每学期颁发几项奖学金.
数额: 最高500美元,取决于资金和合格申请人的数量
资格: Open to full- or part-time students who have completed 25 credit hours in a transfer or career program at Moraine Valley, 保持至少3分.4平均绩点, 目前正在注册, 是否已取得专任教员的签名, and are enrolled at Moraine Valley during the semester the scholarship is awarded.
应用程序可用: 全年
截止日期: 秋季截止日期12月. 春季的截止日期是5月5日.
更多信息: 联系Shanya Gray,电话:(708)608-4380 grays44@pulounge.com (房间S202)


这个奖学金, 每学期提供, is sponsored by Moraine Valley’s Student Government Association and can be used to purchase 书 for college at the college 书tore. 全日制或非全日制学生均可申请.
数额: $200
资格: GPA必须不低于2分.5岁,目前就读于冰碛谷大学. Submit one letter of recommendation from faculty member or Moraine Valley staff.
应用程序可用: 全年
上升/下降位置: 学生生活办公室(U115室). 申请可以在学生生活页面上找到 MVConnect下的窗体.
截止日期: 因学期而异. 联络学生生活办公室.
更多信息: 联系学生院长,肯特·马歇尔,电话:(708)974-5390或 marshallk34@pulounge.com 

这个奖学金, which can be used to continue your education at 冰碛谷社区学院, is awarded to an outstanding participant in Moraine Valley’s 学生生活 programs.
数额: $1000
资格: 必须参与学生生活办公室的项目,并且至少有2.平均绩点5,每学期至少修满6个学分. Must complete essay and provide 2 sealed letters of recommendation from Moraine Valley faculty, 职员或行政人员.
应用程序可用: 每年三月开始
截止日期: 每年4月
上升/下降位置: 联系学生生活办公室(U115室)

These scholarships provide money for academically excellent students pursuing all avenues of education. 该奖项由冰碛谷支援人员协会资助.
数额: 200- 300美元,根据资金和合格申请者的数量而定
资格: Must have completed 15 credit hours at Moraine Valley, 保持至少3分.0的绩点, and have obtained a recommendation by a Moraine Valley faculty member.
应用程序可用: 全年.
上升/下降位置: 经济资助办事处(S107)

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) has offered a scholarship(s) to current students taking Nondestructive classes at 冰碛谷社区学院.

奖学金金额: 从500美元到1000美元不等

资格: Open to students currently enrolled or planning to enroll in the next session of the Nondestructive Testing Program who are in good standing.

应用程序提交: 应用程序 可以在网上或从无损检测学院找到吗. 请退还这个 完成应用程序 给冰碛谷基金会, 学院公园道9000号, 建立M, 房间M220, 帕洛斯山, IL 60465或发邮件给帕蒂Mehallick mehallickp@pulounge.com.

截止日期: 请注意,该奖学金将一直开放,直到授予.

更多信息: 联系帕蒂Mehallick,电话:(708)974-5551或 mehallickp@pulounge.com


The scholarships listed 在这里 are not offered by 冰碛谷社区学院 or its Foundation.  这些奖学金是由俱乐部等外部组织提供的, 企业, 慈善机构, 特殊利益组织. 探索冰碛谷以外的更多奖学金机会.